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We work very well with the Bookio online system. It helped us that barbers have more freedom in their orders. Previously, we had one common paper book to which each of the barbers had to sit and mark their working hours. Now, barbers can manage their time , their clients, and their work breaks. With this program, we've also brought more professionalism and modern style to our orders . Sometimes it happened that the receptionist during his break or when he was busy couldn't pick up the phone, which some of the clients explained as ignorance . We were sorry for this fact and we are glad to see that clients can also make reservations online .
Bookio is a very user-friendly software. Our clinic helped with ordering clients and provided a better overview of our work . The biggest plus that Bookio has brought to us is ordering clients online , so the client can reserve their rehabilitation at any time and through any device, whether it's a computer, phone or tablet. The actual launch of the application brought us new clients already in the first month , because several clients for entry examination , as well as exercise or massage, subscribed to us via Facebook and the website. We rate Bookio as a top-of-the-line application.
Our Slovak Boyard Fortress has been open for almost 2 years. At the beginning we tried various ordering systems, online reservations, which would be clear and mainly functional for us and easy for clients, but we were not successful. The bookio booking system is currently the most efficient on the market from our point of view.. The client can order online and he will not forget to come cause the system sends automatic reminders. We have a great overview of orders, statistics and other necessary outputs. We are pleased that the supplier gives us space for dialogue, eventually the possibility of improvement according to our needs.
Bookio. was surprised me that saving our time . I didn't expect it at all. It makes our reservations more transparent and avoids confusion and misunderstandings (for example, we had previously booked more clients for a single date by mistake). With better overview, we can now get more orders. In addition, clients don´t forget to come thanks to SMS reminders and service is not missing money .
S rezervačným systémom sme sa vo firme rozhodli pracovať cca pred dvomi rokmi. Máme viac ako 3000 klientov a spolu nás je 5 pracovníkov, ktorí sme pracovne závislí od správne fungujúceho rezervačného systému. Výhody rezervačného systému sú, že je možné vidieť každého z nás buď samostatne alebo spoločne, prípadne kombináciu pracovníkov podľa potreby a požiadaviek klientov. Rezervačný systém je spojený s SMS bránou, ktorá nám dovoľuje pripomínať automaticky termín klientovi či už krátkou textovou správou na mobilný telefón alebo mailom. Táto služba nám zabezpečuje, že množstvo klientov, ktorí zabudnú na termín je stále menej a menej, čím sa znižujú prestoje našich pracovníkov a efektívnejšie je možné naplniť fond pracovného času. Analytikou môžem ľahko evidovať výkonnosť svojich spolupracovníkov a sledovať prínos k celkovým tržbám našej firmy. Bookio môžem len odporučiť.
We have been searching for a booking system that can adapt to individual requests of the client for a long time. After two attempts, we tried Bookio. Communication and interest in satisfaction with their product was something we haven´t met, and we were very interested in it. We appreciate the e-mail notifications , which significantly helped patients with their punctuality for an appointment. Physiotherapists appreciate the opportunity to check out their bookings from the house, or simple sign up of patient for regular visits. In terms of management, there are very beneficial statistics available to me 24/7.
Because we have more animal salons and still more and more employees, we were looking for a reliable and easy-to-use reservation system . I admit that I was worry about how to set up my reservations correctly, but I did, and neither employees nor customers have trouble with it. The system also made it possible to have greater overview at work for individual employees. Dog hairdressers also appreciate the ability to view reservations from home and more efficiently manage their time . Communication with Bookio staff I rate 1 * They will also help during the holiday :)
In the Hotel Devín, we have been working for a long time to ensure that the client can easily and quickly book any of our services. This is quite simple with the accommodation reservation system, as there are several excellent solutions on the market. However, we had a problem with the technology for booking services of our Spa Center, that is, Thai massages and squash. This gap was successfully filled by the Bookio team . I especially appreciate their ease of booking the term for the client and mail or SMS notifications , which are very comfortable for the client.
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